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Question 64: This is my first time writing to you. I was diagnosed with Tourette's when I was seven years old. It used to be real bad. I am now 12 and everything is under control. I'm taking nine mg of orap a day. But the problem is that I get tired really easily. Do you have any suggestions? My e-mail address is protege5rulz ..............(As you can see, I'm in love with the Mazda Protege 5.) Thanks, N.W., ON, Canada.

Hello there N!

It's very nice to meet you! I'm glad to hear things are going well, except for the fact that you get tired so easily. Unfortunately that is a well known side effect of Orap, and as long as you are taking this medication it will probably have this effect on you. Usually the higher the dose of Orap, the more tired you feel.

Something you'll have to think about (and YOU are the only person you can answer this question) is whether being tired sometimes is WORTH the "good stuff" that Orap has given you (getting things under control). If it is, then the answer is simple: continue the way you are now, and do your best to ignore/get used to/get around the fact that you don't have the same energy you used to. If you decide that being this tired ISN'T worth the benefits that Orap has given you, though, then you have some decisions to make..............

-one choice you might make is to get your parents to help you to make an appointment with your TS doctor and ask him or her about other medications you could try. There are a lot more out there that treat tics. None of them are perfect, though, N -- each of them will have some side effects that you will have to get used to or live with -- some have less than others (and less than Orap). But ask your doctor about what those side effects are: maybe you'll decide that THOSE side effects aren't as bad as being tired all the time.

-another choice you may make is to not treat your tics with medications, but instead to learn some different "Tic Management" skills (the Comprehensive Behavioural Intervention for Tics or CBIT) for dealing with your tics -- making them less when you need them to be less, getting rid of tics that are unacceptable, modifying tics that wouldn't be too bad if they were just changed a little, and becoming comfortable with the fact that you DO tic, you DO have TS, and that's not such a big deal. Some of these different "T(r)IC(k)S" can be found throughout my website and are all bundled together in my book..........including a LOT on learning how to be happy with yourself just the way you are!

-some people, rather than making a choice, do a bit of both.........they take LESS medication, so they don't have as many side-effects, and they learn some Tic Management skills to help also. Again, it is important for you to know that NO ONE -- not your doctor, not your parents, not your teachers, not me -- knows the best and right answer to these questions EXCEPT YOU.

Good luck N! I'm sure that whatever you decide will be the best thing for you...........I'm rooting for you!

Dr. Dunc.

p.s. the new Ford Thunderbirds are MUCH nicer than that clunky old Mazda Protege 5........... ;-)

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Last updated on March 25, 2022

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All activities related to Life's A Twitch!® are conducted by B. Duncan McKinlay, Ph.D., C.Psych. (Retired) in a private capacity and do not represent the Ministry of Children and Youth Services or the Government of Ontario.

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